Sara Starkman is the founder of Heal DOGGY — plant-based supplemental treats for canines. No white-label solution here. We’re talking independent, small-batch, and female-owned. Ingredients of fresh pulp are sourced from juicers throughout Toronto and made by Sara herself. The definition of what it means to be a small business. The inspiration came from her beloved dog, Opie whose dietary restrictions classified him as one sensitive pup.
Canine supplement snacks live in a dense consumer market. How can an independent business differentiate itself from the Purina’s of the world? For starters, we drove far away from predictable: glossy packaging and expensive *specialized* studio photography. Instead, we opted for a brand mascot; a nod to Opie. A lovable playful character that would give the brand heart and soul. Illustration was our primary driver to communicate the brand ethos. Hand-made with love — quite literally baked into the product itself.
After the supplement launch, Heal DOGGY extended to an online canine wellness hub. Designed to guide you and your pup on a journey to optimal health. Comprised of two main verticals: personalized dietary solutions and resources. Resources provide customers with up-to-date knowledge in the world of dog allergies, concerns, and sensitivities, while the dietary solutions are e-commerce powered.
Our creative efforts provided stable footing in a busy market. Thriving on retail shelves of local small businesses, the playful packaging provoked inspection, and honest intention, thus making it a trustworthy choice for their four-legged friends. Heal Doggy is a brand that makes people say, ‘awwwww’, which in brand speak is ‘good job’.
Sara Starkman